2011年3月12日 星期六

The activities of the veterinary experts in efforts for the settlement of cat owning Families

Ben and Lyn Hart, companion animal behavior experts, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, members of the public with the aim to study about cats and the interaction between the children.

Some of the evidence that domestic cats has a soothing effect on people, especially the elderly, the sick and children with special needs. However, little is known of the human animal interaction in order to minimize the impact of those relationships, children and cats on the basis of a possible genetic or environmental influences on the mechanisms of synergies.

Harts veterinary work with geneticist Leslie Lyons started in the multi-part investigation, how these relationships benefit to Tease the children, and whether the feline genetic traits will help to identify the positive features relating to the activities of cats.

The part of the investigation are asking an adult cat owners Harts for families of children in the online survey will help develop relations between the of cats respond to children in the picture. An anonymous questionnaire to ask about the family and their cat, including the children of its Aggression and scary problem, a problem.

The age of 18, through a family member may take the examination, which is http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ucdcatbehavior's personal page on Stardoll. The research will take about 15 minutes. The defendants also have the opportunity to submit some personal information in the comments section of the specific cat.

Researchers should be collected more than

thousands of useful answers to their research.

The second part contains information about the telephone interviews with about 300 families that have been identified with the children with special needs. The conclusions of the participants in these families free of charge (CHildhood autism risks in Genetics and the environment), the Institute's project-M.I.N.D..

Such as the Harts, a collection of information relating to the activities of certain genes are employed to characterize the Lyons, which may affect the cat's temperament: is friendly, calm, aggressive, or bold, for example. His activity during the Lyons collected DNA samples of cat breeds, including some associated with the different kinds of breeds and their endangerment, location of a calming temperament.

Whether or not there is a strong connection is found in certain breeds and their ability to deliver the therapeutic effect between the children's special needs, but is open to question a multi-pronged approach to Hart, the Hart and Lyon considers it important for tracing can begin.

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