2011年3月11日 星期五

The biggest dangers to pets on Thanksgiving

There may be fatal consequences for animals during the holidays. Christmas animal threats can include seasonal decorations, ornamental lighting, especially inappropriate or toxic items, excessive consumption of rich foods or harmful, flames of the candles, and many other dangers.

Before you sit down to eat take-out temptation – guests and pets. If you are a feed pets before guests arrive, you reduce the temptation for begging and stealing. You can also use the pen to the gate or run pet house pet nearby, but to provide a safety barrier.

One of the easiest ways to prevent trouble be sure your guests know the rules to deter them, pet maachla critters scraps from the table. The best approach is to ensure that any animal, it is of hlbasi or playmates in another room. After the table is cleared, make sure pets cannot get Scribbles or bones.

The greatest danger to pets on Thanksgiving include:

-Rich, oily food (skins of Turkey, gravy etc.) can contribute to inflammation of the pancreas. This gland infection can be serious, requiring emergency veterinary assistance.

-Cooked bones can splinter and tears or an obstacle in the digestive tract of the pet.

-Baking strings, if ingested, create trouble if ingested by your pet.

-Onion stuffing holiday can lead to anemia dogs if consumed by your dog.

-Raisin grapes and toxins can cause kidney failure in pets.
-Amos chocolate can cause seizures or kill your pet.

-Caffeine, alcohol, toxic for pets.

The solution? Save all the goodies out of!

Preventive safety measures are the best store ?????????? so and leftover food out of a well closed, in tanks.

Then make sure that trash is secure to keep the creatures so that they are safe from e-coli and capable of chewing on tinfoil residuals.

What can I do instead?

Household pet should consider providing appropriate chew toys or food for pets, occupation during the holiday activities.

The company produces excellent products and Hong Kong friendly Distributor and maintains dogs in that purr-fect is.

Find great toys and cat bird that provide similar activities as in pet to carry these products.

Investment preparation you can ensure that you have pets happy and healthy holiday.

Finally, just in case there is a problem, never hurts to keep emergency vet clinic or the number of the veterinary hospital.

Do not know when you will encounter a disaster during the holiday celebrations.

Diana l Guerrero is an animal with over 30 years of experience with two wild animals. Based in California, increasing the Ark operates multiple websites and works as a pet parenting author, professional speaker and trainer. Drag the media often proposed as a pet expert and author of "what animals can teach us about the spiritual lessons of inspiration: &, trained than others" and "blessing of the animals: prayers and other rituals celebrating & pets and other &"

